Tuesday, July 11, 2023

25/28mm Eureka Miniatures - Victorian - Anarchist Nannys

These were posted on CoolMiniOrNot.com in in the early 2000s and are for my ongoing, never-ending Victorian London project. I post them here for the sake of completeness and in the unlikely event CMON ever disappears.

This was captioned then, "While promising a delicious romp on one hand she is bound to surprise her cad of an employer on the other! Yikes!"

Anarchist Nanny #2

Number 2 had this accompanying caption: 

"Mary could not have believed Alice's hysterical outbursts had she not seen for herself the strange eyes peering through the nursery window on the previous evening. And the subsequent disappearance of the other servants unnerved her further and sent her outside for air at the first sign of the morning light.
    As was her habit, she passed through the gate of the quiet cemetery and pushed the pram amongst the crumbling marble tombs. It was then she noticed the peculiar footprints that led towards an open grave and then suddenly disappeared. A chill came over her and she quickly turned back towards the carriage. It's contents were quiet and still and she reached down into it.
    'Now what a thing to find,' thought Mary, not at first noticing that the baby Mantlebray was missing."


Anarchist Nanny #3

She had this as a caption: "To Alice, the protection of her charges were of paramount concern, and deep down she knew that Lord Montlebray would approve had he known of the growing threat. But Van Helsing had warned her not to move without him, yet she had to do something, and while it was still light. With these thoughts heavy in her mind, she went to the small cemetery across from the churchyard and in the hopes of destroying them in their tombs, set about her task."

As always, thanks for looking - questions, comments and followers are welcome and encouraged! I'm doing more and more on Facebook so follow my page there too! https://www.facebook.com/One-of-My-Men-Became-Restless-100659928063858


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