These are made by Italeri and licensed to Warlord Games for Bolt Action and Black Powder. I love them. I probably should get another set of them.
For this first box I wanted to use every single piece that came in the box - the left overs really aren't useful for anything because of the dado join system and I didn't want to have unfinished joins on the ends.
I also hate short lengths of linear obstacles strung together - they look terrible on the battlefield as some always get bumped out of place or have unsightly gaps. Happy to take a hit to flexibility than have broken up lengths all over.
And try as I might, I really wanted to disguise the joins but obviously failed here and there. Still. I love'em!
I really love this Army Painter "Battlefield Basing: Grass Green" I used as a ground cover. Really terrific stuff; I'm a permanent convert now. I did use some of my many home made tufts to break it up - those are more evident in the top pictures than this one. |
These are based on styrene strips and I think I had intended to cut the ends back after I glued the walls down. I forgot what I meant to do but after I primed them I decided to just add bushes onto the finished ends.
For the broken ends, I added fallen stones. In any event, I don't mind having natural gaps so units can file through apart from the gates.
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