My first faction is done for Silver Bayonet - yes I know, I'm quite late. These are the two Austrian sets. I figure everyone will get French so this guarantees a competitor.
The first Austrian Unit, - (L-R) Dhamphir, Officer, Grenadier, Veteran Hunter, Occultist, Supernatural Investigator, Infantryman, and Artilleryman.

Second Austrian Unit (L-R) Coachman, Tactician, Woodsman, Heavy Cavalryman, Highwayman, Highwayman, Light Cavalryman, and Irregular. I'm not sure how any of these will fare, seems some have limited use. The cavalry I will not build mounted versions for, the Artilleryman can man guns in some scenarios so maybe he'll get some use.

As so frequently occurs, I start with the intention of doing slap-chop only to apply speed paints which turns out wretched. Demoralized, I keep what works, do a crappy hybrid job, layering over the worst of it. I just tend to pick models where slap-chop is simply inappropriate. For this set I primed in gray, then washed with Nuln Oil? Strong Tone? ProAcyrl Black Wash? I can't recall. It didn't seem to matter much.
This unit was black primed then dry-brushed in gray, then white.
Let's not dwell on the many mishaps that occurred along the way and instead enjoy the final results. I'm glad to have them off my table. For Silver Bayonet, initially, I envision a scenario where my team is much more integrated into army life and historical campaigns. It is here, during combat operations, when the machinations of the Harvestmen begin to manifest. So here they are all the Austrians I own - the single box of Vixtrix Austrians.
The Grenadier and the Dhamphir along with some from No. 59 Jordis regiment.
An officer of No. 50 Stain arrives with a pair of grenadiers, a tactician, two cavalrymen and a doctor. The supernatural investigator marches along with the rest of the regiment (right - background)
The artilleryman rushes ahead to find his unit, while the coachman and the highwayman discuss the absence of both a coach as well as any lupines.
Dhamphir and a grenadier
The tactician demonstrating the proper tactical use of a pistol.
The doctor finds himself on the front lines.
The unhorsed cavalry move to pass through the fence while a Colonel looks on. The woodsman takes a shot at some French or revenants?
A veteran hunter and the occultist (Beethoven) out for a stroll with the supernatural investigator
For thematic continuity, all Austrians were based with one, out-of-the-bag application of Geek Gaming Scenics' Taigi Hillside. I like this stuff. The blend of materials are weighted so the dark heavy sandy stuff goes to the bottom, the white stony material sits atop that, while the static grass, foam and cork rise to the top. Love it - I have another variant from them I'll use on the Prussians who are next for Silver Bayonet.
But first, I've collected a mess o' Napoleonic era civilians from Perry, Wargames Atlantic and yes, Battle Honors. Maybe I'll do dwarves or more buildings and terrain bits, maybe another witch. Even I don't know!
As always, thanks for looking - questions, comments and followers are welcome and encouraged! I'm doing more and more on Facebook so follow my page there too! https://www.facebook.com/One-of-My-Men-Became-Restless-100659928063858
Nice work on them they look good, got to agree with the Geek Gaming Systems, I have 3 different lot and they are great and so quick and easy.
ReplyDeleteJust painted some of the French myself. Gotta say they are brilliant figures. Love them all especially your Hussar. Great painting all round.