Haitian Zombies I (5) - Front - This particular pack is un-pictured at Brigade for some reason. Most of them have large wounds sculpted on somewhere so I made these five risen dead, flesh eater types. |
Haitian Zombies I - (5) - Rear |
Haitian Zombies II (5) - Front - These, however, had basically intact garments and I made all but the splint leg guy, simply under the spell/command of Mama Magombi. No apparent wounds, no rent garments. I'd love to get scluptor's notes on these. Can't seem to find info on these capes hoods online anywhere? Total fabrication (pun intended)? Some old movie? [Edit 3/15/18 - I watched White Zombie and the servants seemed awful familiar - see below for more.] |
Haitian Zombies II (5) - Rear - There is a story about a fractured leg in Haitian Voudoo lore but it belonged to a woman and it was also proof that the "zombie" under investigation, who did not have a game leg, could not be the same woman.. Yet, second from left here, is a zombie with a bandaged and splint arrangement on the left leg. Where does this come from? Old movie again? [Edit 3/15/18 From White Zombie - see below.] |
are my servants.
you think we could do it alone?
their lifetime they were my enemies.
the witch doctor. Once
my master. Secrets I tortured out of him.
Gelder, the swine. Swollen with riches. He
fought against my spells until the last.
him I have a struggling type. His
Excellence, Richard. Once
minister of the interior.
Brigand Chief.
Marcquis, Captain of Gendarmerie.
this... this is Chauvin. The high executioner, who almost executed me!
took them just as we will take this one. But
what if they regain their souls?
would tear me to pieces. But that, my friend, shall never be.
Chauvin seen wearing a hood in other parts of the movie. He also has the wooden splint on his leg. |
Two of the ten had Caucasian features so I painted them accordingly. |
All the risen dead zombies in one shot. The will join the European styled ones seen here. |
For giggles here's the mind slave zombies with West Wind's Madam Magombi. The skin on these was straight out of the bottle Foundry's "African Flesh" triad. No fourth highlight on those at all. |
Next up is some West Wind heroes to oppose all this then some quantities of Old Glory Voodoo Warriors from their Pirate range. Colonial Police in there somewhere too - all are in varying levels of completion on the painting table.
Thanks for looking - questions and comments are welcome and encouraged!