Again I started with a slap-chop and then aborted it almost immediately and went back to mostly layering. I kept pouches and that kind of thing on speed paints but otherwise used my tried and true methods.
These were fun to assemble and fun to come up with the different color schemes. I have the rules but didn't use them to guide my color choices. Maybe you can help me pick the magic school they belong to and then whether they appear to be the wizard or the apprentice?
I lettered them from A to H so assign the school and rank in the comments.
I bought this set to make as many witches as I could so this blind hag was the first to be assembled.
The witch in the Little Golden Books version of Hansel
& Gretel inspired the colors for this one. This picture in
particular used to chill me to the bone when I was a kid - I still love this
book and the illustrations. |
Not crazy about the hat style and I over did it on the bush - still she came out fine. One of the less witchy ones.
One of the better faces on this one. If you ever get stumped on a color scheme, it's useful to look to the NFL for ideas. These are the the colors of the SF 49ers!
The best explicitly witchy head but with a young face on it instead of that of a storybook crone! The green skinned Elphaba from Wicked it should be then, almost.
Eyes came out good.
Gray eyes? Hard to convey that in such a small scale. Here I kept most of the speedpaint work. She also appears to be the most beneficent of the lot.
I probably should have done red eyes here and made her more of a wicked thing but blue works too in a different way.
Another one of the better faces.
Why not some freehand on that big blank robe?
Oof! This lettering looks awful up close, but fine at regular viewing distances.
This rat familiar is so tiny but well sculpted.
These were fun! I got less actual witches suitable for 16th and 17th century New England but these will all work in fantasy games and even Frostgrave though I opted against doing frosty, snow covered bases.
Which one is you favorite of this lot? Pleas share in the comments below.
As always, thanks for looking - questions, comments and followers are welcome and encouraged! I'm doing more and more on Facebook so follow my page there too!