I had a couple hours to race through NOVA Open this year at the Washington Hilton in DC. Compared to the historical side of things this place really radiates youth and energy. Tabletop gaming is very much alive and thriving; perhaps many of these kids will dabble in historicals as they mature?
Though it's Games Workshop/Citadel dominant, the rest is also mostly sci-fi with a chunk of fantasy taking up space everywhere - games I couldn't name even at gunpoint. I'm more of a sympathizer than a fan of most of this stuff, but it's still tabletop miniatures at the end of the day.
Apart from looking at terrain and tables - most of which were crowded with tournament players, the bigger draw for me is the world class painting competition they call the Capital Palette. And like the last couple years I have been attending thee were some phenomenal models on display. Some I recognized from years prior. Nonetheless, here are the ones that caught my eye this year:
One of my faves - the Object Source Lighting (OSL) was a particularly nice focus on many entries this year which I take particular delight in - a really splendid piece here.
Love the whimsical narrative in this one! Brilliantly realized!
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Oooh - something from history!
I'm sorry, were you saying something?
Those gem stones!
Tasty free hand background - who doesn't love a moonlit cemetery?
A Reaper mini I have still in the blister - Inspiring take!
I love the contrast in styles and how they both work wonderfully in their own way.
Another favorite!
Lamp and lava - I liked these so much I took two pics!
The moonlight here really puts this one above - fantastic!
I had less time and space to capture beautiful tables, and I think I even missed a room or two in my haste. HMGS Conventions have the Flames of War tables I admire so much; NOVA Open has Lord of the Rings and Star Wars tables. Some gems in here - most seen before:
The main ballroom is difficult to shoot in as it is crowded with competitors and players are very much into their games. Still, there were some interesting things along the periphery and in the "dealer hall" - here called the Exhibitor Hall. |
Boy, does this sum up the state of Liberty in the world today! What a conversation piece!
The iconic mascot of the whole event
Pry off the Orc symbol from above the door and you have a lovely building suitable for Old West, Colonial or even Ancients in Africa or the Middle East.
Necron city - fun!
Well, all in all, it appeared to be a fun convention for those who participated. As for the vending, I didn't find much - picked up a few new brushes from Artis Opus and an effect paint from the Green Stuff World guy. The "bits" folks were not here this year - that alone is often worth the price of admission; if you know, you know. I do recommend people attend this - it is a marvel and I enjoyed basking in the youthful energy. The people-watching (including just a handful of cosplayers) has some appeal too though I didn't have much time to take it in.
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