Seven more dead horses. Yes they can can convey a fallen mount, but during the retreat they represent life saving loot markers. I don't recall the manufacturer of a few of these - if anyone recognizes them, drop me a note in the comments, please.
Three of these (this one and the own below it) must be from an Ancients range? That looks like a broken off spear head on the model below.
These two are the only ones that read as "Napoleonic" because of the gear and are from Front Rank "Light Cavalry".
Three carts from Things from the Basement. These initially carried off loot taken from Moscow nobility, but they might be more useful carrying off wounded comrades.
Four of the same sculpt seemed a bit much so I'll use these two for the Peninsula instead. Again if you can identify the manufacturer of unidentified horses, let me know and I'd be happy to credit them.
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