Monday, March 24, 2025

28mm Battle Honours 3D - Napoleonic French Vivandiers

These are of course the most realistic miniatures out there, sculpted with microscopic, precision detail, and full, anatomically realistic proportions. This makes them very different than hand sculpted wargames figure - you know, the vast majority of things we've spent our lifetimes collecting and painting. I'm not sure what to make of all this as, even though I ordered 28mm, their proportions make them seem like slender teen girls next to the monstrosities from Perry, Old Glory, Victrix, and all the rest that we've always accepted and embraced. They are different enough, that I don't think I can use them with the other models I have for the period. Stuck in their own universe they are perfect, but they look like children next to the others.

I also found them difficult to paint. I confess I did try a white undercoat, thinking they would take some speed paint easily, but once again I failed to do that well at all and ended up layering over it all again anyway. The print lines were apparent but paint did cover them up mostly. The eyes, the lacing, the buttons, the ribbons, cups, everything is so tiny and yet perfectly sized to match that I really struggled with the fine details. They were simply too fine for my capabilities. 

I futzed around with them and used some washes on the lace again over the parts I wasn't crazy about. One broke off at the ankles and removing them from the supports was kind of a challenge. I didn't notice many of the burs I left behind. It could very well be that I didn't adopt to this as readily as I should have but, eh, I don't see me investing more in this than I already have. Your mileage may vary. They do look fine when painted up, no doubt, but I think one would have to approach them differently than one does with status quo models.

I will do some side by sides in not too long, but I want to get these off the table to make room for other things.

I also bought a lot of the Spanish Guerrillas too which will come at a later date and I will stick to black primer for BH3D models in the future. 

As always, thanks for looking - questions, comments and followers are welcome and encouraged! I'm doing more and more on Facebook so follow my page there too!


1 comment:

  1. I have just got my first 3D printed minis as well (ACW Generals) and they are also very anatomically correct. 28mm but seem a bit small. I was thinking of getting them at 30mm to see if they match up a bit better.
