Sunday, August 12, 2012

Work Station 2012

I finally set up at the new place a few months ago. I've moved 4-5 times in the last seven years and have the worst profile for doing so. Wargamer, with tons of painted miniatures. Booklover/Collector with tons of books. Stubborn, won't get rid of either. Ergo every move is painful psychically and physically. Nice to have a permanent spot though .. Around the corner mostly un-pictured is a figure prep station. That's the back of a bookcase for a wall there and my back is to yet another bookcase with ballast, tufts, and various extra paints, primers and basing materials.
Lots of Polly S in here and many off brands I've picked up over the years. Quite honestly, I could get by on JUST Reaper but I do like Citadel. I can count on one hand how many bottles of paint I've used up over the years. Otherwise I let attrition by dried out bottles curb my excesses.

It's very likely I'll be able to maintain order here - the rest of the space? Forget it ... (the coffee looks nastier than it seems)
[EDIT - These are from 10 minutes ago .. no clean up. It's held up pretty well.]

[EDIT - Clutter happens when there's no natural home for something. I've kept colors loosely together so there's always a home once I assign the basic area for greens or reds or whatever.]

[EDIT - Here's the figure prep area. Russian Hussars and French Voltigeurs in progress ...]

Thanks for looking!


  1. That's a lot of paintpots it seems you managed to organize it well. However, it must be hell 6-7 hours after a long painting session...

  2. As Dr Willet said, that's a lot of paint pots, how long do you think its gonna stay that tidy?

  3. I have similar issues with arranging paints. I have far too many for my table surface. Your setup looks good. One niggle would be for me, seems a lack of natural light. I like to have some natural lighting, though i use lamps as well.
