Wednesday, October 2, 2019

28mm Blue Moon - European Timber Wolves

I've mostly moved on from the ethereal creatures project, though a couple figs still linger on the workbench, to do some of the various werewolf encounter sets I have from West Wind and Blue Moon. The figures below were among the easiest to complete and came out nice for EotD, Gothic Horror, Chaos in Carpathia, Frostgrave, or any number of other fantasy or horror themed games.

To match the sculpts, I wanted these deliberately cartoony and sterotypically evil, rank & file wolves. As an aside, I can paint realistic wolves: click here to see the ones I did for the 1812 Retreat from Moscow game for example, but I wanted to see how easy Citadel's Contrast paints would work for this ideal figure type: one that is mostly a single color. In this case, what's become a popular stand by, Templar Black. Yes, all of these were done with a single thick coat over Wraithbone spray primer. As mentioned elsewhere, I tend to heavily dab the paint on rather than flood it, or do painterly type strokes as I see in the GW Contrast tutorials. For this kind of miniature, my method works out great. You decide.

Also, though the fur was very easy to do and took only a few minutes, (I didn't do any additional highlighting there) it does take me a fair amount of time to do all the eyes, teeth and the actual basing to help disguise the manufactured base and to blend them harmoniously with the steel washers upon which they are glued. There's a lot of time waiting for glues, undercoats, and various layers to dry. The vegetation is done in three steps starting with the grass tufts (Army Painter), followed by the light green bushes (Woodland Scenics), then in the third pass, I go and cover up any really ugly parts of the base and to try and blend the terrain in all together with the old Games Workshop standard green flock. For these I didn't really want a riot of colors, but was happy with applying very different monochromatic textures instead.

Having the flash on looked better then my usual method here but you'll see a mix of both below.
I mistakenly made the individual bases first and then could not, for all it was worth, get a wolf separated from the washer. I was hoping to have a pair of 2-wolf stands here instead of six individual ones, but I couldn't get it done. This was the best compromise. There's only three different sculpts in this 12 figure pack.

Unless you are the pack leader, this is the direction you want to see these things.
I like this shot and enjoy doing the compositions. It was tempting to line them up in a row but I tried to capture the moment when these split off from one another.
I did a flame recipe for the eyes which evokes candy corn here more than anything else lo! Still, very happy with them.
A clear shot of the three different sculpts in the pack. They're fine.
I like this duo especially - ready to pounce!
 ...and my favorite shot of them all!
Flash on
Flash off
This pack is the stand alone - next up (currently in the final base landscaping stages) are the Blue Moon and West Wind Werewolves. Alas, the Wolfen Jaegers, and the heroes out to dispatch these villains have to be painted in my traditional layering style. More Blue Moon ECW support stuff is also nearing completion. Much more to come!

Thanks all for looking - questions, comments, followers are welcome and encouraged!