In the Summer of 2013 I started prepping the French force for my 1812 Russian Retreat game. I was going to model a single company of voltigeurs and needed more variety. I bought all the Elites in Greatcoat from Old Glory, then the Energetic Infantry (from here I drew what were to be my NCO player characters) and Casualties too. Those latter packs needed epaulets on many figures so I added those on and then added scarves in various ways to other figures so that each figure was a complete original. Old Glory makes that easy already.
Here's the results if you want a sense of the Before and After. I'm doing the
tête de colonne now and remember that I never shared these.
Non-regulation, fur trimmed coat for the senior officer of this command. |
At 1:1 there'll be only one Eagle in this game. I am going to put a flag on there though.
I needed a Fourier co the guy in the oversized Cossack hat is he. I would do that differently today, making it much smaller, but he is easily identifiable. Keen observers will note the Perry figure at right. |
These are the eight Corporals |
Most of the Energetic infantry don't have epaulets so I had to add them here. Note the beard on the guy at bottom left. |
On to the casualties:
Thanks for looking - I'm looking forward to getting to these at last.