Monday, March 20, 2017

Cigar Box Battle Plush Mat - Just Fields - 4' x 6'

First, I have criticized some of the artistic decisions made by Cigar Box Battle (CBB) - primarily on the rendering of tall objects (hedges, fencing, trees, etc) on a two dimensional surface - I'd rather they, if there needs to be a wood, render a forest floor instead of the tree tops. Just omit hedges and walls - we can model those ourselves in the precise spot we 'd like them. Criticism aside, I LOVE this new plush mat - Love it! What a simply beautiful accessory.

Before the pics I'll add too that service was rapid - Saturday to Saturday from order to delivery. Nice work. I will bitch about the deliverer who left it on the stair uncovered and in the rain. it came in a plastic envelope and had an interior plastic bag so no harm no foul, but still - what a risk!

The mat itself, my young daughters couldn't stop touching it as it was so soft and it does resemble a comfortable plush blanket in all of it's tactile features. In another world, it would serve beautifully as a wargame themed blanket - who wouldn't want to curl up under the battlefield of La Haye Saint, for example?

A particular plague on my specific hobby enjoyment is lack of a large table, permanent or even temporary. The table I have is littered with Russia 1812 stuff and I don't have the wherewithal to relocate it all at present so these quick shots will have to do:. Below is the thing just folded up and on the counter:

Hedges are scratch built by yours truly, building - an old Gallia model begging to be repainted to my current standards, and random trees from realms long forgotten.

I'll have better shots at a later date but couldn't resist posting.

Thanks for looking,Questions, comments and followers are welcome and encouraged!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Getting backed up here!

Prepping minis for painting is much quicker than the actual painting - such that I get that satisfied, efficacious feeling with more frequency than I do by actually painting!. But now I can barely advance on this relaxing activity. And the cold weather has put a halt to my priming. In fact, it looks like yet another whole week of sub-optimal temperatures.
All 1812 Russian Retreat stuff here: crowds of Perry, Eureka, Front Rank, Foundry, Old Glory & other miscellany have shut down the aforementioned avenue of pleasure. The obvious solution: finish painting some units and move some of these from On Deck to In Progress.
To the right of the chair, behind me when I paint, is a small 3'x4'something table filled with winter trees, almost 200 primed but unpainted French, French Ligne & Voltigeurs and a large village of Russian buildings and fencing.
In Progress: Cossacks, French ADC's, French dragoons, abandoned cannon, a pair of Marshal Neys, ACW & ECW commanders, pirates, the King's Lifeguard of Foote (cue harpsichord riff), Victorian adventurers and more crowd the table.
Anyone else in similar straits?

Why not Teddy Bear Fur Basing?

Some small sharp scissors and you could cut out clumps of grass of differing heights. Might be superior than static grass, certainly denser and again you could adjust the height of the pile before you glued it down. There were a few colors that might work as a base I decided as I browsed JoAnn this afternoon:

Have you done this? What should one consider before attempting? What about applying it before priming occurs on single figures?

Put your thoughts and comments in the Comments. Thanks!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

28mm Crusader Miniatures "Motley Crew" Cossack

 A alternate paint job, alternate location and some period details and Bob's yer uncle - pirate to Cossack:

Building is the 1/72 Russian Izba available here. The litter I've made into small battlefield "loot tokens" from what used to be Westfalia Miniatures, maybe a Perry piece and a Brigade Games crate in there too. Maybe even Murawski Miniatures; I've lost track.

 All I seem to be able to do with this campaign is to nibble around the edges.  =-(  I do everything but the French and Russians!
I needed the priest for something else and having committed to Pirates in 15mm, needed a purpose for this one. The original available here:
Thanks for looking - questions, comments and followers are welcome and encouraged!