This is a bit of an imperfect presentation because of the uncorrected lighting - however, you could get a sense of what things could look like using different colors in for the highlights.
In a previous entry I mentioned that I had purchased three sets of these at HMGS cons. These unpainted versions come in a nice dark green plastic. I didn't wash or prime any of these but I will seal them once the weather warms up. Over all three sets I drybrushed Apple Barrel's Green Leaf.
The first set I mixed in some white to the Leaf Green, followed by another layer with even more white.
These shots have already appeared in an earlier post. |
For the lower set here I added in a pure cadmium yellow a pair of times instead of white - more in line with how MFC's pre-painted bushes come.
For the third set (foreground), I added in a light tan a pair of times and honestly it looks lighter than the white did! If I have a tendency that persists to varying degrees is I get scared of highlighting too brightly leaving models tidy, but sometimes too flat. I'm better than I used to be but I probably should do another layer of whiter highlights on the first set (rear) - but I won't.
The yellow is pretty clearly a standout and is quite warm.
In this light - I honestly am not sure if this is the tan set or the white set! I think it's the former.
Monstrous werewolf for scale - that's a Cigar Box "Just Fields" battle mat under it all.
Here's the two cooler toned sets in play
And here are all three sets with the yellow one easily discernible at right. I'm not sold on these acting as hedgerows - more as random scatter or for small enclosure.
I also have a small set of unpainted fallen trees from Monster Fight Club and I bought more of their rocky terrain pieces - both of which will feature in the coming months.
Thanks for looking - questions, comments and followers are welcome and
encouraged! I'm doing more and more on Facebook so follow my page there